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Marlborough Parent Advisory Council (PAC) update

Marlborough 2019-2020 PAC Executive hosted their 1st virtual PAC meeting of the school year last Monday evening.  Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend on Zoom.  A new PAC executive was elected for 2020-2021:

Chair: Lily Sharma
Treasurer: Patrick Huang
Secretary: Emre Duygun
DPAC: Manami Calvo and Adriana Constatinescu

We look forward to working with all of you this year.

On behalf of our Marlborough Staff, we would like to extend a huge heartfelt thank you/ un gros merci to last year’s PAC Executive.  Your hard work and dedication to making Marlborough a fun and editing place to learn and play in is well-appreciated!

Thank you!!  Karen Floyd & Sheila Rawnsley